(2023-11-30). Rocket Targets US Base in Syria. news.antiwar.com A rocket strike on a US base in Syria on Wednesday was the first attack against US troops in Iraq or Syria since the truce between Israel and Hamas in Gaza took effect on November 24. A Pentagon official told The National that a single rocket targeted Mission Support Site Euphrates, a US base in …
(2023-11-30). Calling for Genocide. counterpunch.org While anti-Islam manifestations have exponentially increased after the Israeli onslaught on the Palestinians in Gaza, the case of Stuart Seldowtiz is different for many reasons. Seldowitz had a high-ranking position in the State Department at a time when the US was outsourcing torture to countries like Egypt and Syria. According to justiceinitiative.org, "At least 136 individuals were reportedly extraordinarily rendered or secretly detained by the CIA and at least 54 governments reportedly participated in the CIA's secret detention and extraordinary rendition program; classified government documents may reveal ma…
(2023-11-30). Iran: Afghanistan-like escape awaits US troops in Syria, Iraq. presstv.ir Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi says "escape" is the ultimate fate of US occupation forces in Syria and Iraq, as it was the case in Afghanistan.
(2023-11-30). Rocket Targets US Base in Syria. news.antiwar.com A rocket strike on a US base in Syria on Wednesday was the first attack against US troops in Iraq or Syria since the truce between Israel and Hamas in Gaza took effect on November 24. A Pentagon official told The National that a single rocket targeted Mission Support Site Euphrates, a US base in …
(2023-12-01). Russia and Cuba plan to increase flights. plenglish.com Moscow, Dec 1 (Prensa Latina) Russia and Cuba plan to connect the city of St. Petersburg with Cayo Coco every ten days by late December, Cuban Ambassador to Russia Julio Garmendia told reporters.
(2023-11-30). Nov 30, 2023. sitrepworld.info ‚ô´ The Dead South — In Hell I'll Be In Good Company Gaza Conflict: End Game Not in Sight, by Yves Smith Israel's Savagery Is So Shocking It's Sometimes Hard To Take In, by Caitlin Johnstone 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 54, by Leila Warah — Mondoweiss MoA: On Gaza Biden Has To Climb Down More Than He Already Has A Blunt Message for Israel, by Venezuela's ambassador to the UN Crooke on Context; Zakharova on Biden, by Karl Sanchez (Videos) What lies behind Benjamin Netanyahu's lies and Hamas's evasions, by Thierry Meyssan Does "Jewish money" Influence American Politics? — NOI Resea…
(2023-11-30). Can US Threats Prevent a Wider War in the Middle East? dissidentvoice.org Protesters wave Palestinian, Lebanese, and Hezbollah flags and hold a picture of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah during a Palestine solidarity rally in Lebanon. (Credit: GETTY IMAGES) While Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has been frantically shuttling around the Middle East trying to stop the Israeli conflict in Gaza from exploding into a regional war, the …
(2023-11-30). Protests in Lebanon demand permanent ceasefire in Gaza. presstv.ir Protesters gathered in central Beirut on Wednesday (November 29) in support of Palestinians.
(2023-11-30). NAM voices concern over Israel's use of prohibited weapons in Gaza. presstv.ir The Non-Aligned Movement expresses deep concern over the use of internationally-banned munitions by the Israeli military in the Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon.