Daily Archives: May 17, 2024

2024-05-17: News Headlines

Kit Klarenberg, MintPress News. (2024-05-17). Leaked Docs Reveal British Intelligence's Exploitation Of Palestinian Refugees. popularresistance.org Leaked files obtained by MintPress News detail the intensive interest taken in Palestinians both within and without the country by British intelligence operatives and Foreign Office-funded and directed cutouts over many years. Collectively, the material leaves little room for doubt that the British government has long sought to covertly surveil, infiltrate, and manipulate Palestinians for malign ends while exploiting their suffering to serve London's geopolitical objectives. | Throughout the Syrian proxy conflict, British intelligence ran expansive psychological warfare programs, targeting the local population an…

Staff, Middle East Eye. (2024-05-17). South Africa Asks ICJ To Order Israel To Halt Rafah Offensive. popularresistance.org South Africa asked the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Thursday to order Israel to halt its Rafah offensive, and argued that the assault posed a risk to "the very survival of Palestinians in Gaza." | South Africa's ambassador to the Netherlands, Vusi Madonsela, asked the court in his opening remarks to "do what it can to stop the genocide," which he said had "shocked the conscience of humanity." | He added that South Africa's fourth submission to the court was triggered not only by the assault on Rafah but by an intensification of the Israeli assault across Gaza in the last few days.

MEE staff (2024-05-17). Hezbollah launches drones at Israel following Thursday assassination. middleeasteye.net Hezbollah launches drones at Israel following Thursday assassination | Israel is expected to present its defence over new hearings ordered by the International Court of Justice | | Smoke rising above the northern Israeli town of Metula following an attack from Lebanon amid cross-border fighting betwe…

Staff (2024-05-17). Israeli army intercepts Hezbollah drones fired from Lebanon. haaretz.com Hezbollah claims responsibility for combat drones launch toward Western Galilee ‚ñ Israel accuses South Africa of false claims in ICJ genocide case ‚ñ Israeli soldier killed in accidental explosion near Gaza ‚ñ IDF announces two Thai hostages killed on Oct. 7; bodies held in Gaza ‚ñ Three Israeli soldiers wounded in drone explosion in Metula, one seriously ‚ñ Hezbollah reports two members killed in southern Lebanon ‚ñ Arab League countries call for international force in Gaza, WB, until two-state solution…

Amir Tibon (2024-05-17). U.S. ambassador: We've been saying for months Israel needs a plan for post-Hamas Gaza. haaretz.com Ambassador Jack Lew tells Haaretz that Israel must address the question of who runs Gaza after the war. He adds that the Israeli military operation in Rafah has so far not crossed the line drawn by U.S. President Joe Biden…

Jason Ditz (2024-05-17). Israeli Airstrikes in Southern Lebanon Kill Three, Including Two Children. news.antiwar.com Israeli forces targeted a series of "infrastructure" sites in southern Lebanon today, going after compounds belonging to Hezbollah's aerial defense system on the grounds that they pose a threat to Israeli aircraft. The strikes hit the villages of Najjiriyeh and Addousiyeh, both just south of the coastal city of Sidon. This is just over 18 …

albawaba (2024-05-17). Hezbollah targets two Israeli military-industrial facilities. albawaba.com ALBAWABA- Lebanese Hezbollah fighters announced an air attack using drones targeted industrial facilities belonging to the Israeli Ministry of War. The attack focused on the "Elbit" military industries company and the "David Cohen" factory in "Tel Hai" (north of Kiryat Shmona). The David Cohen factory specializes in producing electronic systems for the Israeli army.According to the Hezbollah Resistance, they successfully targeted spy equipment carried on a crane in Tallet Al-Tayhat with precise weapons, resulting in its destruction.Hezbollah Resistance in Lebanon further announced that they targeted an Israeli en…

Michael Hudson (2024-05-17). Seven Features of Ancient Enterprise. counterpunch.org There are multiple differences between antiquity's economic practices and those of the modern world, and these should be borne in mind when considering the changing context for enterprise through the centuries. Whereas modern business largely operates on credit, in archaic and classical times handicraft workshops were located on basically self-sufficient landed estates, including those of

albawaba (2024-05-17). Remembering Abdul Latif Abdul Hamid: A tribute to a Syrian cinema legend. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – The Syrian artistic community is in mourning following the death of 70-year-old director Abdul Latif Abdul Hamid last night, Wednesday, May 15. He left behind a 20-year career that included writing, directing, and acting."Leaving behind a rich cinematic legacy that carried great value in the history of Syrian and Arab cinema in general," the Syrian Ministry of Culture and the General Film Foundation stated in a joint statement.Among the Syrian stars who paid tribute to the departed were Tim Hassan, Qusay Khouli, Amal Arafa, Qais Sheikh Najib, and others."No laughing after you," Syrian director Jude Sae…

UMMID (2024-05-17). Mustafa Suleyman — A Beacon for Muslim Youth. ummid.com Mustafa Suleyman is a Syrian-born British citizen, about whom Microsoft's former chief Bill Gates said: "Watch his work, he can become a big name in the world of technology".

| Name (2024-05-17). Syrian journalist Mahmoud Ibrahim arrested after post on anti-Assad protests. alaraby.co.uk

cpj.org (2024-05-17). Syrian journalist Mahmoud Ibrahim arrested after post on anti-Assad protests. cpj.org Istanbul, May 17, 2024—The Committee to Protect Journalists on Friday called on Syrian authorities to release detained Syrian journalist Mahmoud Ibrahim immediately and to disclose his location and that of all imprisoned journalists. On February 25, Syrian government forces arrested Ibrahim, an editor with Al-Thawra newspaper, which is published by the ruling Baath party, after…

newarab (2024-05-17). Syrian refugee in Jordan on hunger strike to end deportation. newarab.com Atia Mohamad Abu Salem, a 24-year-old Jordanian authorities arrested Abu Salem and a Jordanian friend on 9 Apri…

newarab (2024-05-17). ICJ hearing on Gaza case resumes, as Hezbollah hits Israel. newarab.com The South Africa wants the court to order a halt to the military operation in Rafah and Israel to allow unimpeded access to Gaza for UN officials, organisations providi…

newarab (2024-05-17). Hezbollah introduces new weapons and tactics against Israel. newarab.com The Lebanese group The attack wounded three soldiers, one of them seriously, according to the Israeli military. | Hezbollah has regularly fired missiles across the border with Israel over the past seven months, but the one on Thursday appears to have been the first successful missile airstrike it has launched from wit…

newarab (2024-05-17). Israel strikes on Lebanon kill Hezbollah fighter, 2 children. newarab.com Israeli air strikes on Friday hit an area of southern Hezbollah, a Hamas ally, has traded cross-border fire with Israeli forces almost daily since the Palestinian group's October 7 attack on southern Israel. | The Iran-backed Lebanese movement has

newarab (2024-05-17). Syria's disabilities: Stories of resilience amid hardship. newarab.com While wandering in a civilian market in Idlib, Syria in April 2018, Muhsen's life changed forever when the city was attacked from the air. His left leg was too injured to save and it was amputated from directly above his knee. | "I became unable to carry out the simplest tasks at home," the 35-year-old husband and father tells The New Arab. | Most regrettably, Muhsen could no longer ride a motorcycle, his escape and "source of relief." | "The protracted conflict in Syria has resulted in widespread violence, including bombings, shelling, and armed confrontations, leading to a significant number of injuries, am…

newarab (2024-05-17). Syria: HTS chief issues warning as Idlib protests continue. newarab.com The head of a HTS was formerly affiliated to Al-Qaeda and controls much of Syria's northwestern Idlib province. | HTS security forces accompanied by military fighters are on high alert in and around

presstv.ir (2024-05-17). Hezbollah launches drone strike, rocket barrages at Israeli positions. presstv.ir Hezbollah fighter launch a drone strike and multiple rocket barrages against Israeli military positions in retaliation to the regime's strikes on southern Lebanon.

presstv.ir (2024-05-17). Israeli airstrikes kill Hezbollah fighter, 2 children in S Lebanon. presstv.ir Israeli airstrikes kill a Hezbollah fighter and two children, targeting two villages lying far from Lebanon's border with the occupied territories.

presstv.ir (2024-05-17). Hezbollah hits base of giant spy blimp in 'deepest strike' against Israel. presstv.ir Israel says Hezbollah has attacked a sensitive military facility from which a giant spy balloon, known as Sky Dew, is operated.

presstv.ir (2024-05-17). Islamic Resistance in Iraq vows all-out support for Palestinian struggle. presstv.ir The leader of the Iraqi anti-terror group Kata'ib Hezbollah says the Islamic Resistance will spare no effort to provide the oppressed Palestinian nation with unwavering support.

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