2023-07-03: News Headlines

Chris Hedges, Scheer Post. (2023-07-04). They Lied About Afghanistan And Iraq; They Are Lying About Ukraine. popularresistance.org The playbook the pimps of war use to lure us into one military fiasco after another, including Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and now Ukraine, does not change. Freedom and democracy are threatened. Evil must be vanquished. Human rights must be protected. The fate of Europe and NATO, along with a "rules based international order" is at stake. Victory is assured. | The results are also the same. The justifications and narratives are exposed as lies. The cheery prognosis is false. Those on whose behalf we are supposedly fighting are as venal as those we are fighting against.

Staff (2023-07-03). Biden Calls Cuba 'Terrorist' While the People Demand an End to US Terrorism Against Cuba. orinocotribune.com By Calla Mairead Walsh — Jun 28, 2023 | On Tuesday, May 23rd, the State Department reported that Cuba — along with Iran, Syria, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and Venezuela — are not "not cooperating fully" in the United States' supposed fight against terrorism. The Biden administration officially designates Cuba as a "State Sponsor of Terrorism" (SSOT), as well as Iran, Syria, and the DPRK. | Literally 0% of Americans view Cuba as a serious threat, and the Biden administration has provided no evidence of Cuba supporting terrorism in any way. Cuban and American officials even met earl…

_____ (2023-07-03). The Astana platform on Syria ended… journal-neo.org Syria is one of the most pressing concerns on the global diplomacy agenda, with Russia combining a successful peacekeeping role with focused diplomacy. Since the fall of 2015, it has been evident that the United States, its NATO allies, and the armed opposition organizations they were backing have failed to fulfill their primary goal of […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-07-03). U.S. Intelligence Agencies Advance Disinformation about Chinese Spy Base in Cuba… transcend.org to Gain Support for Cruel Embargo Costing Cubans $455 Million per Month – After having lied about WMDs, Russiagate, chemical weapons in Syria and so much more, the U.S. is now advancing the lie that Cuba is hosting a Chinese spy base.

_____ (2023-07-03). Who Is National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Why He Should Debate RFK Jr. transcend.org 26 Jun 2023 – National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is one of the key people driving US foreign policy. He was mentored by Hillary Clinton with regime changes in Honduras, Libya and Syria. This article will describe his background, what he says, what he has been doing, where the US is headed and why this should be debated.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-07-03). Jordanian foreign minister visits Syria. plenglish.com Al-Safadi will address several issues related to the situation in Syria, especially to solve the crisis that his country has been facing since 2011, local media reported. | The head of Jordanian diplomacy will discuss an Arab initiative on the situation in Syria and the refugee issue with local officials. | Al-Safadi had announced that Jordan intends to implement an initiative to launch an Arab-led political process and resolve the Syrian conflict through the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 2254 and 2642.

_____ (2023-07-03). Heavy Lies the Crown: POTUS Biden Totally Loses the Plot As NATO's Narrative Implodes. strategic-culture.org Just as the Alps and the Jordan divide for all time the Cis from the rest, so also in our own time do the mountains and rivers of honesty and truth divide the Creepy Joe Bidens and Mary Robinsons from the great and the good. | First off, hats off to young Hafez Bashar Assad, who

ecns.cn (2023-07-03). Ambassador Xie Feng presents Letter of Credence to U.S. President Joe Biden. ecns.cn Biden welcomed Xie to his new post, and the two talked about the China-U.S. relationship, according to a press release from the Chinese embassy.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-07-03). Presidente Al-Assad aborda retorno de refugiados sirios con Jordania. telesurtv.net Mandatario sirio reiteró que el expediente de refugiados es meramente humanitario y moral, y que no debe ser politizado.

Robert Inlakesh (2023-07-03). Israel-Lebanon Tensions Rise Along The Border Over Violations Of Sovereignty. thelastamericanvagabond.com After months of tension along the Lebanese border with northern occupied Palestine, Israeli media began to report Tel Aviv's frustration at the presence of tents that have been set up in the Shebaa Farms area by Hezbollah operatives. Despite thousands of territorial violations and the continued occupation of Lebanese lands, Israel is threatening Beirut with

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