2020-11-15: News Headlines

Marwa Osman (2020-11-15). Iraq Threatens U.S.—MES EP.80. thealtworld.com Iraq's anti-terror Kata'ib Hezbollah group, a faction of the country's Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) better known as Hashd al-Sha'abi, has warned that a "tougher and stronger" confrontation awaits US forces should they defy a timetable set for their withdrawal from the Arab country. The Iraqi resistance further warned that the next stage of the fight will soon take place featuring new types of weapons. To discuss this issue with us from Malmo is Feras Ali political commentator. | Israeli Bulldozers and diggers demolished Palestinian village of Khirbet Humsa last week, leaving 74 people, including 41 minors, ho…

Richard Horton (2020-11-14). [Comment] Offline: A different kind of lockdown. thelancet.com In April, 2019, Dr Mai Alkaila became the first woman to be appointed Minister of Health in the occupied Palestinian territory. An obstetrician and gynaecologist by training, she later earned a PhD in health policy and systems. But she also had a taste for diplomacy and has served the State of Palestine as Ambassador to Chile and Italy. Perfect credentials, one might imagine, for a role that comes with already delicate political challenges. And then the COVID-19 pandemic struck. How was a divided land and a divided government under occupation going to handle a health emergency that was confounding even the most u…

Caitlin Johnstone (2020-11-14). Unelected Officials Override The President To Continue Wars (But Only Kooks Believe In The Deep State). thealtworld.com Outgoing US envoy to Syria James Jeffrey stated in a recent interview with Defense One that US officials have been …

sputniknews (2020-11-14). Nusra Terrorists Carry Out 31 Attacks in Syria's Idlib De-escalation Zone. sputniknews.com MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Hayat Tahrir al-Sham terrorist group* carried out 31 attacks in Syria's Idlib de-escalation zone over the past 24 hours, the deputy head of the Russian Defense Ministry's Center for Syrian Reconciliation, Rear Adm. Alexander Grinkevich, said on Saturday.

RT (2020-11-13). Ties between Moscow & OPCW going through 'period of challenges,' but point of no return not yet reached, Russian envoy tells RT. rt.com The US and its allies are trying to turn the UN's chemical arms watchdog into a political tool, but it remains an important platform via which Moscow can defend its interests, Alexander Shulgin, Russian envoy to the body, told RT. | The ambassador was speaking in the light of a statement made by Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, on Thursday. Nebenzia had suggested that the country may well consider quitting the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) altogether, if "it completely loses credibility." | The statement was made amid a row between Moscow and the Wes…

Marco Carnelos (2020-11-13). If US sanctions on Lebanon are about corruption, Saad Hariri should be top of list. thealtworld.com If the US was truly concerned about corruption in Lebanon, it should have targeted the discredited prime minister | The US Treasury recently Unfortunately, as frequently occurs with the US…

Brett Wilkins, staff writer (2020-11-13). About to Have His Day in Court, This American Journalist Wants to Know If He's on the US 'Kill List'. commondreams.org Award-winning war reporter Bilal Abdul Kareem, who says he has been the target of numerous U.S.-led airstrikes, was also wounded by Syrian tank fire while covering the country's civil war. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/headline/thumbs/kareem_0.jpg

Press TV (2020-11-13). Hezbollah Leader: US Creator of Terrorist Groups, Cannot Accuse Others of Terrorism. dissidentvoice.org &nbsp…

MEE and agencies (2020-11-12). Saudi embassy denies UK ambassador discussed freeing women's rights activists. middleeasteye.net Saudi embassy denies UK ambassador discussed freeing women's rights activists | Envoy was quoted by the Guardian as saying Riyadh was considering releasing detainees such as Loujain al-Hathloul ahead of G20 summit | Thu, 11/12/2020 – 12: 02 | Hathloul, who has been on hunger strike for 17 days, was arrested and detained in 2018 along with a number of other activists on charges including 'a…

Andrew Korybko (2020-11-12). Syria's International Conference on Return of Refugees. A Strategic Balancing Act. globalresearch.ca The kinetic phase of the Hybrid War of Terror on Syria has mostly drawn to a close, as evidenced by the milestone event of the country hosting an international conference on the return of refugees, which resulted in several significant …

Andrew Korybko (2020-11-12). Syria's International Conference On Refugees Is A Masterclass In Balancing. thealtworld.com The kinetic phase of the Hybrid War of Terror on Syria has mostly drawn to a close, as evidenced by the milestone event of the country hosting an international conference on the return of refugees, which resulted in several significant outcomes that speak to the masterful execution of its "balancing" strategy and raise hope that the Arab Republic will eventually transform into the Eastern Mediterranean terminal point of China's visionary W-CPEC+ corridor across Eurasia. | Strategically Disarming "Weapons Of Mass Migration" | Syria's international conference on the return of refugees is a milestone event for the c…

Elijah Magnier (2020-11-11). Le plan des USA pour affaiblir le Hezbollah : guerre civile et exode des chrétiens. thealtworld.com Les dirigeants politiques et religieux chrétiens du Liban sont théologiquement éloignés des chiites duodécimains, leurs objectifs politiques et idéologiques étant fondamentalement différents de ceux du Hezbollah. Gebran Bassil, le leader du plus grand groupe parlementaire chrétien at-TayyƒÅr al-Wa·π≠anƒ´ al-Hor(Courant patriotique libre ou CPL) l'a clairement exprimé dimanche dernier lors d'une allocution télévisée en réponse aux

Mehr News Agency (2020-11-11). Iran, Syria explore avenues for boosting coop in water sector. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) — Islamic Republic of Iran and Syria explored avenues for implementing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) inked between the two countries in the field of water and wastewater.